inktober 2019| day 10: Pattern

Twisted heart Recurring patterns Kaleidoscopic Unreal, Vivid, Ethereal, Empty- Shimmer. Tightly woven narratives Intertwined fingers, lacing Rigid Stubborn Like the single strand of my hair That sticks out- a sore thumb I point at it With the fist of fingers Undulating alternating pattern Nail and knuckle Nail and knuckle. Safe. Googly eyes Raised eyebrows Peering … Continue reading inktober 2019| day 10: Pattern

inktober 2019|day 9: swing

I swing in and out of my own life in a pendulum -esque fashion. There's two of me, one at the bob and the other pulling the string She wants to apply for a job I won't plan to sit for the test and interview She plans to write a paper for a conference I … Continue reading inktober 2019|day 9: swing